
Plus size suits solution - NCG Tailor

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FAQ & NCG Tailor's point of view


New customers privileges









Please witness:

In about 5 years, before 2030, NCG Tailor will become one of the major players in this industry. Along with our rapid growth, there will be more and more compliments, as well as more and more malicious attacks.

After 8 years, we finally understand one thing: This world may seem noisy and complicated, but in fact, it is very simple.

We will continue to focus on one thing and one thing only: Maintaining an exceptional quality/price ratio, because this is the king, and the only King.







NCG Tailor offers "365 Days Unconditional Return". This means that within an entire year (starting from the date you receive your package), you can return your order for any reason, and we will issue a refund.

We would like to insist: Within a whole year, you don't need to give us a reason for return & refund, and since 2017, we never ask. 




* Discount codes: 

(Please refresh this page to get the latest valid codes)


"151515"(For all customers) :

"151515" is a 15% off code, can be used for any order >=$159, for any customer (new & returning). 


"303030"(New customers only!!!):

"303030" is a 30% off code that can be used for any order >=$259, by any new customer.  




* About your measurements:

This is a short-period promotion. If you don't have time to take your measurements, you can place your order first, take and save your measurements in your account later (whenever you have time. We will simply start the making process when we receive your measurements). For example, if you place an order on January 10th, and save your measurements on January 15th, we will simply start the making around January 16th.  




* Some Background: 

Looking back, it was quite a journey. We can’t believe we are hitting the 8-year mark. 

Long story short: 

First 2 Years (2017-2018):

  • An exciting startup with 18 tailors, no money, just 18 families to feed.
  • We started using Google and Facebook ads.
  • We encountered more people who laughed at us than those who actually ordered.

Next 2 Years (2019-2020):

  • The smoothest two years.
  • Sales increased, not a lot, but steadily.
  • We were happy, and our customers were happy. 
  • Did not get enough attention, though. 

COVID-19 Years (2021-2022):

  • Everything was disrupted by COVID-19.
  • The effort and struggle during the endless quarantines were immense.
  • But we survived.
  • Not only did we survive, but our sales also doubled compared to 2019.

Now (2023-2024):

  • We think we are becoming a bit famous in this industry.
  • Two factories, more than 540 tailors. 
  • Many more people are paying attention, including those who have never bought anything from us but want us to fail and cease to exist (we don't know why, but they just do). 
  • On the contrary, we are much calmer than in any of the previous years.
  • Because we realized that this world is simple: as long as we maintain a crazy price-quality ratio, no one can stop us from becoming the center of this industry.




* NCG Tailor Account Restrictions: 


For more information about NCG Tailor' account restrictions, please click here

Once your NCG Tailor account is disabled, it is permanent.

Creating a new account will not work, as our website will automatically delete it.

If your account has been disabled, it cannot be reactivated. We recommend making purchases elsewhere, as NCG Tailor will no longer be your tailor forever.



At NCG Tailor, we strive to maintain a friendly and mutually beneficial relationship with our customers. However, there are certain situations where we must disable a customer's account to uphold our standards and protect our business. The following actions will result in account suspension:


(1) Cancelling an order while it is still in progress.

(2) Insulting or threatening our commercial team.

(3) Creating a new account after a previous account has been disabled.

(4) Creating a new account to take advantage of coupons specifically meant for new customers (for quality-testing purposes only), despite already being a returning customer and being well aware of our quality.


It is important to note that NCG Tailor is no longer driven primarily by internet sales. Approximately 85% of our sales come from our loyal customers and their referrals and our growth is fueled by a strong network of satisfied customers who recommend us to people they know personally, such as relatives, colleagues, friends, etc.. This powerful word-of-mouth network ensures our continued success and sustainability.


These four points above represent a clear "line" for us. Above this line, everything is negotiable. We are committed to being polite and responsive, doing our best to ensure you have a pleasant purchasing experience. If you are not satisfied with our quality, we will guide you through our 365-day unconditional refund policy, and more.


However, crossing this line will result in the permanent disabling of any NCG Tailor account.


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